TYRQUAKE(6) Games Manual TYRQUAKE(6) NAME tyr-quake, tyr-glquake, tyr-qwcl, tyr-glqwcl, tyr-qwsv - Client and server programs for the computer game Quake SYNOPSIS tyr-quake [-OPTION [arg]]... [+COMMAND [arg]]... tyr-glquake [-OPTION [arg]]... [+COMMAND [arg]]... tyr-qwcl [-OPTION [arg]]... [+COMMAND [arg]]... tyr-glqwcl [-OPTION [arg]]... [+COMMAND [arg]]... tyr-qwsv [-OPTION [arg]]... [+COMMAND [arg]]... DESCRIPTION TyrQuake is a port of id Software's Quake engine which attempts to maintain the original look and feel of the game while also providing support for modern platforms and user created content. Currently TyrQuake is implemented as five separate programs; two NetQuake clients (tyr-quake and tyr-glquake), two Quakeworld clients (tyr-qwcl and tyr-glqwcl) and a Quakeworld server (tyr-qwsv). The 'gl' notation indicates the OpenGL accelerated clients and the non-gl ver- sions use a software-only renderer. OPTIONS -heapsize n, -mem n Specifies the size of Quake's internal memory heap. For histor- ical reasons, when using -heapsize n is specified in kB and when using -mem n is specified in MB. Default 256MB. -zone Specifies the amount of memory in kB to reserve for Quake's dy- namic memory allocator. Default 256kB. -minmemory Allocate only a minimal sized heap for Quake. If playing stan- dard quake (-game id1) this is ~5.5MB, otherwise ~15.5MB. Prob- ably only useful for testing purposes. -basedir directory Specify the base directory where the Quake data is located. The default is OS and distribution dependent. -game directory Specify a game directory under basedir to search for game data. Default is id1. If this option is specified, then the given di- rectory will be searched first, followed by id1. -rogue Set up game directories and customised HUD for use with the Rogue expansion pack "Dissolution of Eternity". -hipnotic Set up game directories and customised HUD for use with the Hip- notic expansion pack "Scourge of Armagon". -window, -w Start the game in windowed mode. -width n, -height n Specify the width and/or height of the game window in pixels. -bpp n (tyr-glquake,tyr-glqwcl Windows only) Request an OpenGL context with the specified bits-per-pixel. -nomtex Disable use of OpenGL Multitexture extenstions. -nonpot Disable use of OpenGL non-power-of-two textures. Textures will be stretched or padded to power-of two sizes as needed. -noglcompression Disable the use of compressed textures. There is a slight qual- ity hit when compressed textures are enable, so use this parame- ter if higher quality at the expense of more memory usage is preferred. -gamma n Set the video gamma value. Default 1.0. -fullsbar (tyr-glquake,tyr-glqwcl Windows only) Work around for buggy use of double/triple buffers and glClear. Force the renderer to redraw the full status bar every frame. -noautostrectch (tyr-quake,tyr-qwcl Windows only) By default Quake will try to adjust up the default video mode and select a resolution appropriate for your monitor resolution. Use this command line switch to prevent this behaviour. -resetwinpos (tyr-quake,tyr-qwcl Windows only) By default Quake will try to remember the previous window posi- tion and place the window in the same position. Specify this command line option to reset the window position to the top left corner of the screen. -nomouse Disable mouse input. -nodinput (Windows only) Disable direct input. -noforcemspd (Windows only) Don't reset the mouse speed while the game is active. -moforcemaccel (Windows only) Don't disable mouse acceleration while the game is active. -noforcemparms (Windows only) Don't change mouse parameters at all while the game is active. -nojoy (Windows only) Disable joystick input. -cddev dev (Linux/BSD only) Set the cd device filname to dev. Default /dev/cdrom. -nocdaudio Disable CD audio. -noextmusic Disable the use of music files in place of CD audio tracks. -nosound Disable sound support. -simsound Disable sound output, but still perform all mixing. For testing purposes only. -sndbits n (Linux, OSS/SDL/PulseAudio) Specify number of bits per sample for sound output format, 8 or 16. Default 8. -sndspeed n (Linux, OSS/SDL/PulseAudio) Specify sample speed for sound output. Default 11025. -sndmono (Linux, BSD only) Request only a single channel for sound output. -sndstereo (Linux, BSD only) Request stereo sound output channels (Default). -snoforceformat (Windows only) Do not try to set the sound format of the primary sound buffer (Direct Sound). -primarysound (Windows only) Mix directly into the primary sound buffer. By default, Quake will set up and use a secondary sound buffer. -wavonly (Windows only) Do not initialize direct sound, use the Windows media API only. -surfcachesize n Explicitly set the size of the surface cache (in kB) used by the software renderer. By default Quake will automatically calcu- late a suitable size for the screen resolution selected. -particles n Set the maximum number of particles supported by the renderer. It can be useful to increase this if debugging a leak in a map where the pointfile is very large. Default 2048. -cheats (tyr-qwsv only) Enable clients to send cheat commands. -developer Sets the developer console variable to 1. Useful for getting de- veloper debug messages early in the init process, before con- fig.cfg and autoexec.cfg have been executed. -condebug Causes Quake to append all console messages to a file qcon- sole.log in the current game directory. By default the log is not written. -noconinput (Linux, BSD only) Disables console input from stdin. -nostdout Disables console output on stdout. -dedicated [n] (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake only) Start the engine in dedicated server mode (server only, no client) supporting up to n clients (n must be between 1 and 16). If -dedicated is the last command line argument, then the server will default to supporting 8 clients. -listen [n] (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake only) Start the engine in listen mode (both client and server) sup- porting up to n clients (n must be between 1 and 16). If -listen is not specified, then the server will support up to 4 clients. If -listen is specified as the last command line argument, then the server will default to supporting 8 clients. -nolan (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake only) Disable LAN support. -port n Set the UDP port that the LAN server will listen on. -udpport (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake only) Same as -port. -ip ip Specify an IP address to restrict Quake to use only that ad- dress. Note that with this enabled, if you start a server it will not be discoverable via broadcast messages. Players will have to connect directly. By default we bind to any/all inter- faces so that any connected network may be used. -localip ip Specify an IP address to advertise as your visible IP for net- work play. Use if you need to advertise a different IP address than the one locally detected, e.g. if you are behind NAT or similar. -noudp (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake only) Disables UDP networking. Essentially the same effect as -nolan. -HFILE n, -HPARENT n, -HCHILD n (tyr-quake, tyr-glquake, Windows only) Originally intended for QHost, which as I understand provides a function similar to screen/tmux on unix for the Quake console. You probably don't want to use this (and it probably doesn't even work anymore!) CONSOLE COMMANDS cd [command] [arguments] Passes commands to the CD audio subsystem. Sub-commands are listed below. on Enable the CD audio subsystem. off Disable the CD audio subsystem. play n Play CD audio track n. loop n Play CD audio track n in a loop. stop Stop playing CD audio. pause Pause CD audio playback. resume Resume playing CD audio (if currently paused). eject Eject the CD media. close Request the CD tray to close. remap x y Given two track numbers x and y, remap a CD track number such that a request to play track x will result in real track y being played. Remappings can be reset with the cd reset command. reset Stop playing audio, remove any CD track remappings and re-read the CD table of contents. info Displays number of tracks on the currently loaded CD, which track is currently playing or paused (if any) and the current CD audio volume. music Start playing the given music file. If the file extension is not specified, then the supported file extensions will be tried in sequence (ogg, mp3, flac, wav). music_stop Stop the currently playing music file. music_pause Pause the currently playing music file. music_resume Resume playing the currently paused music file. stuffcmds exec echo alias wait cmd path toggleconsole messagemode messagemode2 clear maplist gl_texturemode gl_printtextures [active|inactive|free|all] Prints the list of currently loaded textures (GLQuake/GLQWCL) gl_extensions Prints the available OpenGL extensions (GLQuake/GLQWCL) envmap pointfile timerefresh force_centerview joyadvancedupdate bind unbind unbindall pvscache edict edicts edictcount profile screenshot sizeup sizedown snap hudscale Prints the active hud scaling factor, relative the the current resolution. If given a parameter, sets this as the new scaling factor. See also scr_hudscale under CONSOLE VARIABLES. fog (glquake, glqwcl only) Sets fog parameters on the current map. The command takes one, three or four arguments between 0 and 1. The command can set the desity of the fog from 0 (no fog) to 1 (completely opaque fog) as well as the color of the fog, expressed as fractions of red, green and blue. E.g.: fog (density) fog (red) (green) (blue) fog (density) (red) (green) (blue) sky name Load the named skybox for the current level. play playvol stopsound soundlist soundinfo vid_nummodes Prints the number of video modes provided by the window/operat- ing system. vid_describemodes Prints out the list of video modes available on the window/oper- ating system. Each mode is assigned a number which can be passed to the vid_mode command to set the mode directly. vid_mode With no parameters, prints the current video mode as an integer or just 'windowed' if in windowed mode. If given an integer ar- gument for a valid video mode as described by the vid_describe- modes command, then sets the video mode to one of the described fullscreen modes. vid_describecurrentmode Prints a brief description of the current video mode. vid_minimize vid_restart Restarts the entire video system. Used to change the window or screen resolution according to the vid_width, vid_height, vid_bpp, vid_fullscreen, vid_refreshrate and vid_vsync console variables. flush hunk print|printall Print information about internal memory allocations on the hunk. If the argument print is given, sequential allocations with the same hunk tag are totaled into one line. If the printall argu- ment is given, details for every individual allocation are printed. zone print|printall Print information about memory allocations in the zone alloca- tor. If the argument print is given, only summary statistics are printed. If the printall argument is given, information about every memory block in the zone is printed. cache +moveup, -moveup +movedown, -movedown +left, -left +right, -right +forward, -forward +back, -back +lookup, -lookup +lookdown, -lookdown +strafe, -strafe +moveleft, -moveleft +moveright, -moveright +speed, -speed +attack, -attack +use, -use +jump, -jump +klook, -klook +mlook, -mlook When the mlook key is depressed, mouse movement controls the view orientation instead of direction of movement. If cvar "m_freelook" is 1, then the reverse is true, with mouse look en- abled by default and the mlook key activates mouse movement in- stead. impulse entities disconnect record stop playdemo timedemo mcache status quit god notarget fly restart map changelevel connect reconnect name noclip version say say_team tell color kill pause spawn begin prespawn kick ping load save give startdemos demos stopdemo viewmodel viewframe viewnext viewprev togglemenu menu_main menu_singleplayer menu_load menu_save menu_multiplayer menu_setup menu_options menu_keys menu_video help menu_quit net_stats ban test test2 slist listen maxplayers port +showscores, -showscores sv_protocol v_cshift bf centerview changing rerecord skins allskins rcon packet user users setinfo fullinfo fullserverinfo download nextul stopul serverinfo windows +showteamscores, -showteamscores logfile fraglogfile snapall setmaster heartbeat localinfo game [-hipnotic|-rogue|-quoth] End the current game and load the specified game (mod) direc- tory. Optionally specify one of -hipnotic, -rogue, -quoth to enable the game specific HUD changes for these mods. gamedir sv_gamedir floodprot floodprotmsg addip ip[/mask] Add an IP filter to drop packets from the specified IP address or network. IP addresses are specified in the standard form A.B.C.D. A network can be specified using a netmask length, e.g. addip or by giving only the first one, two or three octets; e.g. addip 10.10.10. removeip ip[/mask] Remove an IP address or network from the IP filter list. Note that if an IP address is filtered as part of a network filter, you can only un-filter the IP by removing the network filter. listip Show the current IP filter list. writeip Writes commands to re-construct the current IP filter list to the file listip.cfg which can later be restored with 'exec lis- tip.cfg'. CONSOLE VARIABLES bgmvolume Set volume level for background music. Valid values are between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (full volume). Default 1.0. bgm_extmusic If set to 1, then external music files will be used in place of CD audio if available. Files should be placed in a 'music' di- rectory, within the game directory (e.g. id1/music). CD tracks should be named track02., track03., etc. where '' is one of the supported file extensions (ogg, mp3, flac, wav). E.g. id1/music/track02.flac. Music files may also be placed in- side pack files using the same relative paths. Default 1. music_loop If set to 1 then external music files will loop. If set to 0, music files play once and then stop. Default 1. registered cmdline con_notifytime d_subdiv16 d_mipcap d_mipscale gl_nobind gl_picmip gl_constretch gl_max_size gl_max_textures The maximum number of textures that will be kept in memory at one time. If changed at runtime, a vid_restart is required for the change to take effect. Default 2048. gl_npot If 1, allow use of non-power-of-two sized textures in OpenGL (if the ARB extension is advertised). Set to zero to force stretch- ing/padding of textures to power-of-two sizes. Default 1. gl_texture_anisotropy Set the degree of anisotropic filtering applied to textures. Higher numbers will give sharper detail to surfaces that are at sharper angles to the screen at the cost of some performance. 1 is the lower bound, which is effectively disabled. Driv- ers/hardware determine the upper limit. Default 1.0f. r_lockpvs r_lockfrustum r_drawflat r_speeds r_fullbright r_drawentities r_drawviewmodel r_lerpmodels 0|1 If 1, smooth out animation of alias models by interpolating be- tween animation frames. If enabling this setting, it is recom- mended to enable r_lerpmove as well. Default 0. r_lerpmove 0|1 If 1, interpolate movement of alias model entities. Default 0. r_norefresh r_lightmap r_shadows r_mirroralpha r_wateralpha, r_slimealpha, r_lavaalpha, r_telealpha Set to a fraction between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) to control the transparency of water/slime/lava/teleport surfaces. Default 1. r_warpspeed Controls the speed at which the water surface warping effect displays. Higher values are faster, lower values are slower. Default 4. r_warpfactor Controls the amount of warping taking place. Higher values warp more and lower values less. Default 2. r_warpscale Controls the amount of movement in the warping surface. Higher values move the surface more, lower values less. Default 8. r_particle_scale Scale the size of particles on the screen. Values greater than one increase the size and values less than one decrease the size. Default 1. r_dynamic r_novis r_waterwarp r_skyfog Add a flat level of fog to the sky between 0 (no fog) and 1 (fully obscured by fog). Default 0. r_skyalpha Set the transparency level of the sky foreground image for scrolling skies. Set between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). Default 1. r_sky_quality (tyr-glquake, tyr-glqwcl) Sets the level of tesselation used to simulate the curved scrolling sky. Lower numbers may improve performance, while higher numbers may improve quality. Default 16. r_fastsky Set to 1 to prevent drawing skybox or scrolling skies and in- stead just draw a flat color where the sky should be. May be helpful on very low performance systems. Default 0. gl_finish gl_texsort _gl_allowgammafallback _gl_drawhull gl_cull gl_smoothmodels gl_affinemodels gl_polyblend gl_playermip gl_nocolors gl_keeptjunctions gl_reporttjunctions gl_doubleeyes gl_zfix If 1, implements a workaround for z-fighting where world and brush models co-incide (e.g. the elevator to the E1M1 quad se- cret). Causes some undesirable side effects such as cracks or ridges where brush models and the world would otherwise meet flush. Default 0. gl_meminfo If 1, print some information about OpenGL memory usage each frame. Default 0. r_netgraph in_snd_block m_filter _windowed_mouse in_cfg_unbindall If 1, write an unbindall command before saving key bindings to config.cfg, so that any explicitly unbound keys are no longer restored to their defaults after reloading the engine. Default 1. in_joystick joy_name joy_advanced joy_advaxisx joy_advaxisy joy_advaxisz joy_advaxisr joy_advaxisu joy_advaxisv joy_forwardthreshold joy_sidethreshold joy_pitchthreshold joy_yawthreshold joy_forwardsensitivity joy_sidesensitivity joy_pitchsensitivity joy_yawsensitivity joy_wwhack1 joy_wwhack2 nomonsters gamecfg scratch1 scratch2 scratch3 scratch4 savedgamecfg saved1 saved2 saved3 saved4 r_draworder r_speeds r_graphheight r_clearcolor r_waterwarp r_drawentities r_drawviewmodel Controls drawing the player's weapon model in the view. When 1, the weapon is drawn. When zero, no weapon is drawn. If a frac- tional value less than one is set, the weapon will be drawn translucent. Default 1. r_drawflat r_ambient r_timegraph r_aliasstats r_dspeeds r_maxsurfs, r_maxedges This is mostly a legacy setting that was used to allow the soft- ware render to render more complex scenes. Now the engine will automatically adjust the resources as needed if it encounters more complex scenes. However, these settings remain available if you wish to preempt the auto-adjustment and allow for more complex scenes right away to avoid the frame or two of latency as the engine automatically adjusts. In effect, these are now minimum settings as the engine will adjust upwards automatically as-needed. Defaults 768/2304. r_aliastransbase r_aliastransadj r_netgraph r_zgraph scr_fov scr_viewsize scr_conspeed scr_hudscale Scale the console text and status bar by some factor. When set to 1, the console text and status bar pics are drawn at their pixel size. This can be very small when using a high resolution video mode. Setting to 2 will make the text twice as big, etc. Fractional values > 1 are allowed. If set to zero, the engine will try to pick a reasonable size based on the video mode. Can be queried/set via the hudscale command. Default 0. scr_sbaralpha Set to a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) to draw the status bar semi-transparently. Default 0.75. scr_showram scr_showturtle scr_showpause scr_centertime scr_printspeed show_fps scr_allowsnap nosound volume Sets the volume of sound effects between 0 (off) and 1 (full volume). Default 0.7. precache precache loadas8bit bgmbuffer ambient_level ambient_fade snd_noextraupdate snd_show snd_crossfade_effects When enabled, entity sounds that are cut off by another sound starting will fade out very quickly and smoothly instead of cut- ting off suddenly, as long as a sound channel is available to do so. This avoids some audio artifacts that can otherwise be heard if the cut off is instantaneous. Default 1. snd_filterquality Set to an integer value between 1 and 5 to control the quality of the sound filter used when resampling audio. 1 is the fastest but lowest quality and 5 is the highest quality, but slowest. Set to 0 to completely disable audio filtering. De- fault 3. _snd_mixahead Specifies how far ahead (in seconds) to mix sound effects. Lower values provide better audio latency, while higher values help prevent audio skipping when framerate drops. Default 0.1. sys_nostdout vid_fullscreen If set to 1, switch to fullscreen mode on the next vid_restart. Default 0. vid_width, vid_height Specifies the width and height in pixels of the window or fullscreen mode to set on the next vid_restart. Default 800 x 600. vid_bpp Specifies the color depth of the display mode to be set on the next vid_restart. Valid values depend on the system, but typi- cally 32, 16 or 8. Default 32. vid_refreshrate Specifies the refresh rate of the display mode to be set on the next vid_restart. Ignored for windowed modes. Valid values de- pend on the system. Default 60. vid_vsync When 0, rendering occurs as fast as possible with no synchro- nization to vertical refresh. When '1', synchronize display of frames with vertical refresh to avoid tearing. When '2', use 'adaptive vsync' - wait for vertical refresh to display the frame if the rendering completed ahead of the vertical refresh. If rendering was slower than the vertical refresh, display imme- diately. Not all modes are supported on all systems. Default '1'. vid_render_resolution_scale Optionally scales up the pixel size rendered by the software renderer to improve performance or for aesthetic preference. When 1 (default), renders each pixel of the window individually. When 2 the rendered pixel size is 2x2 so only 1/4 of the work is required by the 3d renderer. For example with an 800x600 window and scale set to 2, the render will draw the scene at 400x300 and scale up the pixels by 2 to fill the window. When set to 0, the render resolution is specified by the vid_render_resolu- tion_width and vid_render_resolution_height variables manually. Default 1. vid_render_resolution_width, vid_render_resolution_height When vid_render_resolution_scale is 0, sets the width and height of the resolution to render the scene at which will then be stretched up to the window or screen size. Default 320 x 200. vid_window_centered When 1, place the window centered on the screen. When 0, either use the previously remembered position if vid_window_remem- ber_position is 1, otherwise allow the window manager to place the window. Default 1. vid_window_remember_position When 1, record the placement of the game window in the vid_win- dow_x and vid_window_y console variables so the position can be restored next time the game starts or restarts. Note that if vid_window_centered is 1, then the window will be centered and the remembered position will be ignored. Default 1. vid_window_x vid_window_y Records the window position of the application at the time it was last closed. host_framerate chase_back chase_up chase_right chase_active cl_name cl_color cl_upspeed cl_forwardspeed cl_forwardspeed cl_backspeed cl_sidespeed cl_movespeedkey cl_yawspeed cl_pitchspeed cl_anglespeedkey cl_run cl_shownet cl_nolerp lookspring lookstrafe sensitivity m_pitch m_yaw m_forward m_side m_freelook If 1, view orientation is controlled by mouse and the mouse look key (+mlook) has the inverse effect of temporarily disabling free look mode while depressed. host_speeds sys_ticrate serverprofile fraglimit timelimit teamplay samelevel noexit skill deathmatch coop pausable temp1 developer net_messagetimeout hostname sv_maxvelocity sv_gravity sv_friction sv_edgefriction sv_stopspeed sv_maxspeed sv_accelerate sv_idealpitchscale sv_aim sv_nostep v_centermove v_centerspeed v_iyaw_cycle v_iroll_cycle v_ipitch_cycle v_iyaw_level v_iroll_level v_ipitch_level v_idlescale crosshair crosshaircolor cl_crossx cl_crossy gl_cshiftpercent scr_ofsx scr_ofsy scr_ofsz cl_rollspeed cl_rollangle cl_bob cl_bobcycle cl_bobup v_kicktime v_kickroll v_kickpitch v_gamma cl_hightrack cl_chasecam cl_nodelta cl_warncmd cl_sbar cl_hudswap cl_maxfps cl_timeout rcon_password rcon_address entlatency cl_predict_players cl_predict_players2 cl_solid_players localid baseskin noskins password spectator skin team topcolor bottomcolor rate msg noaim cl_pushlatency cl_nopred v_contentblend showpackets showdrop qport spectator_password sv_mintic sv_maxtic maxclients maxspectators watervis zombietime sv_spectatormaxspeed sv_airaccelerate sv_wateraccelerate sv_waterfriction filterban allow_download allow_download_skins allow_download_models allow_download_sounds allow_download_maps sv_highchars sv_phs sv_spectalk sv_mapcheck sys_extrasleep _debug_models (for debugging purposes only) If 1, draw some debugging informa- tion above each model (GLQuake only for now). Default 0. FILES ENVIRONMENT BUGS AUTHOR COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Kevin Shanahan Copyright (C) 1997 id Software License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO 2021-10-22 v0.70-4-ga4a88a0 TYRQUAKE(6)