Looks to me like my weekdays no longer belong to Quake, so now I live, eat, breathe and sleep Quake on weekends.
Mr. Shambler is always encouraging me and saying nice things, so I always feel like apologising to him for the amount of time it is taking me to complete my single player map. Here are the main two reasons. Firstly, because I have almost no free time all week and I only get the weekend to do any editing (or even playing) of my most beloved game. Secondly (and this is the kind of reason people like to hear) it is because this map is HUGE! In terms of depth it's about average, but the area (i.e. overhead view), the map covers about 3 quarters of the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE SIZE!!! (max size is 8192 x 8192 units). I'm spending quite a bit of time to make each area look good and play good, which takes a hell of a lot of effort on a map this size.
Trust me - The map IS coming =)
I hope to get the beta of my DM map ready this weekend so it can be sent off for testing. Next weekend will be very cool for me - Easter weekend = 4 days w/o sunlight = lots of mapping and fun!
Peekaboom has put up his review of Aggressor so go read it (it's currently the third map down the page). He compares it to some of my all time favourite maps, which is very gratifying. Thanks Peek =]
Also, Thanks to all the people who mailed me with encouragement
after I posted the last screenshots of my DM map, I really
appreciate it
Whew! That turned out to be a pretty substantial update after