
NOTE: TyrQuake is no longer actively being worked on. This is just a matter of me having to prioritise the time I have available. You may see updates from time to time but they are not likely to be regular or frequent.

This is my branch of the Quake source code released by id. I've been working on-and-off on it since around 2003. It's includes Quake and Quakeworld in both software rendered and OpenGL versions, as well as the Quakeworld Server. It should work on Windows (XP or later), Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD/OpenBSD. Binaries are available for Windows (32 and 64-bit) and OS X. The default OS X build is 64-bit only for modern systems and for as long as my PPC Mac Mini hangs in there I'll keep making universal binaries for OS X 10.5.

Mostly TyrQuake's purpose is to satisfy my low-level programming itch, improve my skills and to basically keep the codebase working on modern systems. I like to support features which enable map designers to create larger and/or more detailed maps than the original game allowed for. I want to keep the original feel of the game so I'm probably not going to add things like specular/bump/detail maps. If I'm going to do that I would probably start a new project unrelated to the original Quake.

Linux users might want to take a look at the Linux Quake How-To.

Some Features:

  • Includes the NetQuake & QuakeWorld engines, with both software and OpenGL rendering
  • Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD support
  • Greatly improved OpenGL performance, especially on low-end systems
  • Coloured lighting, skyboxes, mask (fence) textures
  • Music playback from ogg, mp3, flac and wav files
  • Switch games (mods) on the fly, no restart required
  • Support for very detailed maps, including BSP2 support
  • Support for FitzQuake and BJPQuake network protocols (including demo recording/playback)
  • Model interpolation, lighting improvements
  • Full entity/liquid alpha support (including the software renderer)
  • Improved console with extensive command completion

Current Version: 0.71

Random snapshots of development versions can be found in the snapshots folder. You are encouraged to download, test and report any problems found (please use the latest version available for your OS). There is a TODO page which lists some requested, planned and future changes - it is editable so you can add your own too!

Some work-in-progress documentation is available in the git repository. Still very incomplete - there are a lot of command line options, console commands and variables to document. ( html | text ).

The current development code can be cloned from my git repository: